Blockade Australia: Chaos as climate protesters blocks the Sydney Harbour Tunnel

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Climate pest with a bike lock around her neck chains herself to a car steering wheel while blocking the Sydney Harbour Tunnel leaving thousands of commuters trapped in their vehicles as cops frantically try to stop the chaos

  • Climate activist group Blockade Australia kicked off demonstrations in Sydney
  • Mass protests are planned to kick off in Sydney’s CBD from 8am on Monday 
  • Organisers distributed messages to members in an app on Sunday night 
  • Participants were instructed on how to disrupt traffic and how to deal with cops 

A climate protester has sparked commuter chaos after locking herself to her steering wheel with a bike lock while blocking the Sydney Harbour Tunnel, leaving workers trapped bumper-to-bumper in their vehicles. 

Hundreds of Blockade Australia demonstrators stormed the city about 8am on Monday, disrupting traffic as cops frantically tried to stop the parade with barricade fences. 

One woman from the group’s Lismore contingent posted footage online of herself chained to the inside of her car in North Sydney as she stopped traffic from entering the CBD. 

‘I’m Marley, I’m 22. I’m [here] in protest of the climate destruction that is happening in this continent right now,’ she says.

‘There are some really angry people who are screaming and threatening me – banging on windows and doors.’

An outraged commuter can be seen during the video approaching her car and yelling at her through a window.

A protester blocked the Sydney Harbour Tunnel and locked herself to her steering wheel with a bike lock

A protester blocked the Sydney Harbour Tunnel and locked herself to her steering wheel with a bike lock

Police eventually arrived at the scene and demanded her to get out of the car, before she was arrested.

It comes as  

  • Hundreds of protesters raged through the city, hurling debris and even wheelie bins at police officers in a bid to slow them down
  • NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet described the demonstrators as ‘bloody idiots’ in a scathing statement 
  • TV vision appeared to show an SUV nudging people standing in the middle of the road out of the way. It wasn’t immediately clear if they were protesters 

The group had made plans to ‘run or disperse’ through the city in a message sent out via an app on Sunday night, with leaders distributing legal advice to members ahead of the protest.

The environmental group also gave instructions for how activists can wreak havoc on traffic in the CBD. 

‘This won’t be like a regular rally with speeches and a lot of time standing around – we will be meeting at 8am sharp and then moving quickly from there,’ the memo read.

A police officer was seen in a stand-off with a protester as the activist attempted to move a barricade

A police officer was seen in a stand-off with a protester as the activist attempted to move a barricade 

‘Depending on police tactics you may be required to run or disperse depending on your abilities. Be prepared to walk on roads and stop cars from passing.’

Protesters were urged to keep their phone notifications turned off and ensure devices were password protected.

The advice also told demonstrators to only say ‘no comment’  if arrested and warned against wearing ‘contact lenses, makeup or oily sunscreen’ to reduce injury if pepper sprayed. 

The event had been publicised over the group’s online channels for weeks, with participants offered workshops for ‘legal’, ‘street welfare’, and ‘medic’ training.  

Climate activist group Blockade Australia are set to launch a week of mass demonstrations from Monday

Climate activist group Blockade Australia are set to launch a week of mass demonstrations from Monday

Protesters were given legal advice in a message distributed via a messaging app on Sunday night

Protesters were given legal advice in a message distributed via a messaging app on Sunday night 

In marketing material for the June 27- July 2 rally, the group said they intend to converge’ on Sydney to ‘blockade the streets of Australia’s most important political and economic centre and cause disruption that cannot be ignored’.

The protest comes just days after police raided their Blue Mountains compound on June 19 amid an investigation into ‘unauthorised protest activity’.

Blockade Australia has made headlines in recent months over a series of high-profile climate protests which have included blocking coal ports, bridges, and fossil fuel terminals. 

In April, the NSW parliament ushered in a raft of new laws and penalties aimed at discouraging protesters who disrupt traffic on bridges and tunnels in response to the group’s stunts. 

Police seized concrete barrels and locks from the protest group's Colo campground on June 19

Police seized concrete barrels and locks from the protest group’s Colo campground on June 19


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