First Aid Mini VSSL will never let you stay without an emergency first aid kit in your bag

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Staying without an emergency first aid kit is not happening anymore; thanks to the First Aid Mini VSSL. This kit weighs less than one pound. Additionally, it can be stored (or carried) nearly anywhere. In fact, the kit comes with 35 first aid supplies. These include disposable thermometers, a sewing kit, antiseptic wipes, bandages, and a whole lot more. As a result, you can be safely stocked with emergency supplies on the go. Also, the aluminum supply tins will make it super easy for you to restock items. The 6-inch tall and lightweight design makes it super easy to store anywhere, literally. With a waterproof, shatterproof and airtight design, this kit is a must have for outdoor adventurers. Finally, the labelled tins will make it even easier to identify them as and when you need it.


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